I'm in the process of figuring out Docker, and how to make it run on Debian. These are just 'notes to self' to look at for another time. I am reverting to lxc (linux containers) for the time being.
- Debian package for Docker is still several versions behind (with the current appearing to be v1.50 from 2015/02/03, see Docker release notes). It is better to download the binary from Docker.
- Some notes using Docker in a multi-host environment: Multi-host Docker and OpenvSwitch
- Some web sites suggest 'apt-get install docker.io' on Debian Jessie to install Docker. Even the Docker site says this: Docker on Debian Jessie. But that command does not work as of this writing.
- Debian doesn't seem to have an official base image, just a semi-official base image, but really not really, based upon some reading which says that some kluges went into building the base image.
- Some other pointers for a Debian Jessie base image stuff: debian docker base image, Installing Docker on Debian Jessie (from 2013), Installing Docker in Debian (testing/Jessie) (also 2013) , CloudCreateDockerImage
But then, all this might be irrelevant. There is something called CoreOS, which is a ground up solution for running containers.