Hacker News had an entry today on Text Only News WebSites - a fast way to get to the meat of the matter.
I wish it was RSS like, but there are alternatives for summaries (independent of anything yahoo/google/facebook might produce):
- The Brutalist Report - snapshot of of what is happening across various news sources
- skimfeed - snapshot of what is happening across various news sources
- github: awesome console services - meta link to find more console stuff
- Another take on from the seeing impaired, something we can learn: "I’ve been getting a lot mileage out of safari’s and brave’s reader mode"
- markets.sh - meh, summaries might be ok, but can't copy text for stuff I want to keep
- teddit worldnews - kinda like a reddit thingy, but not sure how it works
Now if I could find something that scrolled as stuff changes, .... oh wait, the closest would be irc.libera.chat with ##hntop (hackernews), ##news (world news), ##alerts (earthquakes, electrical, ...)