I found out the hard way that SaltStack and Debian no longer place nice together. I had upgraded a Debian installation from Bullseye to Bookworm, along with the resident Salt Minion. When attempting to use the minion, it no longer starts up, due to various imports no longer working. Which was due to the salt-minion not being upgraded. The error message would started this odyssey:
salt ImportError: cannot import name 'Markup' from 'jinja2'
Taking a look at the Debian Developer Information for Salt, the last version started in 'unstable' was 3004.1 back in December of 2022. This is now almost 8 months later and little or no movement. There was some mention in a ticket somewhere that Salt release cycles don't cater to Debian stable release cycles. Not sure if that is a legitimate reason or not, but, well, for whatever reason, SaltStack management in Debian is no longer a simple no brainer.
However, after a little digging, there is a way to run SaltStack versions 3006 (current as of this writing). It is simple to install on Bullseye, but not easily done on Bookworm.
On Bullseye (as root, or implies sudo):
# cd ~
# apt remove salt-minion salt-master
# apt install curl
# curl -L https://bootstrap.saltstack.com -o install_salt.sh
# sh install_salt.sh -M onedir
The '-M' installs the salt master at the same time (for machines running master). If you forget to do that, you'll need to diagnose and fix the systemctl mask error with the following:
# apt install file
# file /etc/systemd/system/salt-master.service
# rm /etc/systemd/system/salt-master.service
# systemctl daemon-reload
# sh install_salt.sh -M onedir
The 'sh install_salt.sh -M onedir' should show a symlink to /dev/nul, which the 'rm ...' will fix.
On Bookworm, the bootstrap isn't scheduled to work till beginning of 2024 sometime I think with Salt 3007 or 3008 -- more info in [FEATURE REQUEST] Add Salt support for Debian 12 #64223 .
In the meantime, I had to cheat a bit:
- in /etc/debian_version, change 12.0 to 11.0
- in /etc/apt/sources.list, change bookworm to bullseye
- rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/salt.list
- run apt update
- run the commands listed above for installing the one or both the salt services
- restore /etc/debian_version and /etc/apt/sources.list to their original content
I'm sure there are more elegant ways of doing this, but this worked to fake the needed version 11 in the installation script and directory traversal requirements
Note, more info on the Salt Install/Bootstrap Process.