This will age me, but.... I grew up with the Munsters. I happen to come across an article about the Al Lewis, who was Grandpa Munster in The Munsters. He spoke his mind about quite a number of things.
This is telling my politics, but in the article they quote a controversial screed to a large crowd:
I may offend some people but Mrs. Lewis' son doesn't care! Doesn't care! What happened on September 11th was inevitable. Inevitable! Inevitable! It was horrific. Approximately five thousand lives were lost. Don't get angry with me. Just listen to the message. Were those lives more valuable than those school children who died of shrapnel in an action that was directed, promoted and paid for by the US government? Were the lives on September 11th more valuable than the ... hundred thousand people who were killed in Guatemala? In Nicaragua? You want me to go down the list in killing? Was that horrific? Was that terror? And you want to talk about terror? Again, I don't care if you are angry. As we can now see, from the Freedom of Information acts - the dropping of the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was an act of terror! There was no military objective involved ... One other thing. September 11th happened. The initial [phrases], 'Let's bomb them into the stone age.' 'Let's wipe them out.' 'Let's kill them.' Americans suffer from short or long term memory [loss] ... Baruch Goldstein. You know who he was? He was an Israeli captain who went in on a Friday in the mosque and machine gunned them with an automatic rifle and killed them. Did any of you ... raise the human cry, 'Let's bomb them into the stone age?' Were their lives less valuable than those at the World Trade Center ... if you go now - NOW - to Israel there is a memorial to Baruch Goldstein! I want to ask you something. There were nineteen people involved in [the September 11th attacks] ... that airplane was a bomb because of the high-octane gasoline. It was a flying bomb. Those nineteen men. What would Americans do if some place in the Middle East they erected a monument to them? Who says that our lives are more valuable than his or hers? Where is it written? Where? Where is it written?