Some of the more visible capabilities of C++11 via someone other's blog:
- Summary of the Changes
- Move Constructor/Assignment Operator - excellent tutorial describing move semantics, how to build a class to handle move semantics, and how to use the move semantics in code
- Lambda Expressions - how to build and use C++ style lambda constructs
- Auto / Decltype Operators - automatic object type detection and declaration
Sutter's Mill has Guru of the Week has a number of excellent articles on C++. When doing things with Boost::Fusion or Boost::Spirit, or other heavily templated operations, his "Minimising Compile-Time Dependencies" are very useful.
Other pimpl articles: PIMPL, Rule of Zero and Scott Meyers, cppreference pimpl
2018/07/29: C++ Standards Committee - ISOCPP - starting point for draft