Well, I can't answer that question. Trying to answer that question quickly devolves into speculation, and questions about religion. Questions winnable due to their nature.
But that biggness question was re-awakened this morning indirectly through reading an article about the speed at which zombie infections spread. Whether it be coincidence or a one way direct relationship, the speed of zombie infection corresponds closely to how real life influenza infections spread. I suppose from a meta perspective, how quickly does zombie mania spread? Does it spread as quickly as a virus? I havn't seen any science to answer that question yet.
Then, on that same page, I came across a link to a page discussing a new record for the known universe's largest structure, something which had been recently discovered. Something measured in billions of light years. One of the precursors to that discovery is another very large structure known as the Sloan Great Wall. In searching for a definition for that structure, I landed on The Infinite Universe vs the Myth of the Big Bang: Red Shifts, Black Holes, Acceleration, Life.. This is a page which goes into all sorts of universe sized discussions. I will have to come back to this at some point. In the brief speed read, I was unable to conclude: how much is fact, how much is science, how much is half baked theory, and how much was fanatical desire.
Before leaving this post, I just want to record one other web site I encountered many moons ago: An Atlas of The Universe. This is a fascinating site which graphically relates the orders of magnitude in size and distances encountered when trying to measure the vastness of 'outer space'.