- Coronavirus Tech Handbook - provides a space for technologists, civic organisations, public & private institutions, researchers and specialists of all kinds to collaborate on a rapid and sophisticated response to the coronavirus outbreak and subsequent impacts. It is a quickly evolving resource with thousands of active expert contributors.
- FireMountain - links for information
- Flight Info - The flights have been found to have a passenger confirmed to have COVID-19.
- HealthLinkBC - Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) also known as 2019-nCov, originated from Wuhan, China, but has spread to a number of countries including to Canada. The risk to British Columbians remains low.
- COVID-19 projects looking for volunteers - These projects were posted by the community. Volunteer yourself or create a new one.
- FluTrackers - tracking Infectious Diseases since 2006
- Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU)
- Johns Hopkins University (JHU) - better link to the map
- WorldOMeter - COVID-19 Coronavirus Outbreak
- The Prepared - If you’re worried about the SARS-COV-2 coronavirus outbreak or feel unprepared, this guide is for you. Experts explain what you should do to get ready, how to protect yourself, what researchers believe are the likely scenarios going forward, and the latest fact-checked news.
- Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team - Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID-19 mortality and healthcare demand - Here we present the results of epidemiological modelling which has informed policy making in the UK and other countries in recent weeks. In the absence of a COVID-19 vaccine, we assess the potential role of a number of public health measures –so-called non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) – aimed at reducing contact rates in the population and thereby reducing transmission of the virus.
- Italian town's experiment leads to no new coronavirus cases in almost a week - Vò, a town of 3,300 just outside Venice, was part of an experiment that involved aggressive testing and quarantine measures. Every single resident was tested for coronavirus in late February when Northern Italy was first rocked by the outbreak, and three percent of inhabitants were found to be carrying the virus.
- TRSA - COVID-19 resources webpage for TRSA members in the linen, uniform and facility services industry.
- European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control - Preparedness planning is essential in order to respond effectively to outbreaks and epidemics. Sharing and aligning activities at European and international level in the area of public health emergency preparedness adds value to the efforts of single countries to strengthen their capacities and ensure coordinated and effective support when faced with cross-border health threats.
- Persistent Defenses Against the Wuhan Virus - by Howard Philip - Presented here for your consideration is a set of simple self-help measures you can implement to dramatically improve your chances of avoiding the deadly Wuhan virus, ranging from behavioral adjustments to the application of readily available materials and chemicals - real or fake?
- Federal Reserve Bank of New York - Coronavirus Resource Center - We have created this resource center where individuals, businesses, and non-profits can find out what’s available to them at the federal, state, and city level. This hub will be regularly updated to connect our communities with the necessary resources.
- GitHub repo for Wall Street Bets as they analyze the failures resulting from the virus.
- Genomic epidemiology of novel coronavirus - provides regular updates of virus evolution
- Coronavirus: Guidance for Better Mental Health - Self-care is vital, and it’s also important to try and reduce the stress for ourselves and others around us.
Wednesday, March 18. 2020
Covid19 Notes
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