In my search for an editing environment, I am currently running Visual Studio Code with a number of extensions. It is a GUI based IDE environment and seems to be relatively performant. When jumping to symbol declarations and definitions, it can take a few seconds while performing the lookup.
Since I also use VIM for editing files, I have been keeping my eye on VIM add-ons for creating a console based IDE. Some tools which might be applicable:
- clangd - the language server protocol daemon for clang
- Using LSP & clangd in Vim - notes on integrating clangd, and with a reference at the end about the JSON compilation database, (which in another link, can be supplied via CMake)
- vim cp enhanced highlight - with clangd, I am not sure if this is required, but helps with syntax high-lighting without clangd
- vim-cpp-modern: Enhanced C and C++ syntax highlighting - another syntax highligher, one is forked from the other, with this one being more current, I believe
- VIM CMake - plugin to make working with CMake a little nicer
- CMake Support for Vim - CMake Interoperability in Vim - not sure what the difference is to the previous link
- Vim Cmake integration - some chatter on StackOverflow on integrating CMake with VIM