When attempting to use Berkeley DB4 in a Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 C++ project, the symbol DBTYPE is found in both Microsoft's oledb.h and Berkeley DB4's db.h. It is really hard to get rid of oledb.h as it is buried somewhere in the depths of the stdafx.h precompiled header file. Continue reading "Symbol Clash Between VC++ oledb.h and Berkeley..." »
Monday, January 28. 2008
Symbol Clash Between VC++ oledb.h and Berkeley DB db.h
C++ Override std::cout, std::cerr Streams
C# has a handy method of redirecting Console output. In the first place, C# has a System.Console library for catching all console based output. The Console.SetIn and Console.SetOut methods can then be used to redirect input/output from/to local application based routines. Continue reading "C++ Override std::cout, std::cerr Streams" »
Friday, January 25. 2008
Debian with Java and Eclipse/CDT
After downloading Eclipse/CDT (Eclipse for C++ Developers), and trying to run it I encountered an error about it finding Java RunTime 1.4.2, and it finding that inadequate.
I proceeded to 'apt-get install sun-java6-jre' successfully. Eclipse still didn't start. I found that if one runs 'update-alternatives --config java', one can select the proper Java Run Time with which to be running.
Tuesday, January 22. 2008
Creating a Crypto++ Shared Library in Eclipse/C++
The Crypto++ Library, which is an open sourced C++ Cryptographic library, has a makefile for creating a static library. The library turns out to be a large library. Static link times when linking into my project aren't fast, particularily when used in a VMWare based development environment. To make linking and running faster, a shared library would be much better. I'm using the library in an Linux hosted Eclipse/C++ based IDE. Continue reading "Creating a Crypto++ Shared Library in Eclipse/C++" »
Friday, January 18. 2008
C++ Tools: Face Detection, Artificial Neural Networks
Today I came across a couple of C++ projects relating to Neural Network usage. One is located at CodeProject called Face Detection C++ Library with Skin and Motion Analysis. The author has used a number of interesting statistical and analytical methods for face detection. To quote his mouth-full: "An understanding of wavelet-analysis, dimensionality reduction methods (PCA, LDA, ICA), artificial neural networks (ANN), support vector machines (SVM), SSE programming, image processing, morphological operations (erosion, dilation), histogram equalization, image filtering, C++ programming and some face detection background would be desirable.".
From a C++ library perspective, here is a Fast Artificial Neural Network Library (FANN). I believe the library is written in C, but has API bindings in about 13 different programming language formats, of course with one being C++. The author's description goes as follows: "Fast Artificial Neural Network Library is a free open source neural network library, which implements multilayer artificial neural networks in C with support for both fully connected and sparsely connected networks. Cross-platform execution in both fixed and floating point are supported. It includes a framework for easy handling of training data sets. It is easy to use, versatile, well documented, and fast."
They Can't be Better Than Sliced Bread
On dzone, there were a couple of language related articles. Well, ok, the whole site is devoted to programming languages. Perhaps what I was trying to say is that I detected a mild language war brewing. Well, maybe skirmish. Maybe mild skirmish. Continue reading "They Can't be Better Than Sliced Bread" »
Thursday, January 17. 2008
The C++ library, Crypto++, has an amazing array of crypto routines, including stream cyphers, block ciphers, message authentication codes, hash functions, public-key cryptography, elliptic curve cryptopgraphy, as well as hold-over insecure and obsolescent algorithms. Continue reading "Crypto++" »
Thursday, January 10. 2008
Additional Configuration Notes for Wt, a C++ Web Toolkit
I need to append some additional notes to my 2007/10/03 Wt Configuration Guide article.
As mentioned in the Wt Ext Widget deployment notes, the Wt toolkit makes use of libraries from Ext JS. There are notes at the bottom of the Wt page itemizing the files needed from the JS Ext 1.1 .zip file.
As a side note, all things Ajax can be referenced one way or another starting at the ajaxian web site. Maybe not quite the truth. More all things Ajax at AjaxPatterns... if you want to get under the hood.