Information Arbitrage takes in depth reviews of the hard-core wonders of Wall Street -- things like derivatives, economics, sell-side organizations, as well as taking on some of the main stream topics like the "Jobs Put Option" bit. Continue reading "Trading Site of the Day -- Information..." »
Wednesday, January 31. 2007
Trading Site of the Day -- Information Arbitrage: Intellectually Speaking
Monday, January 29. 2007
Trading Site of the Day -- Trading Quotes: Timeless Words of Wisdom
On the lighter side of trading, Trading Quotes is devoted to presenting, well, I'll quote the author: Continue reading "Trading Site of the Day -- Trading Quotes:..." »
Saturday, January 27. 2007
Trading Site of the Day -- Ensign Sofware: A Chartist's Dream
Ensign Software has a Newsletter that has been running for a number of years. The newsletter is free. Each issue discusses a different way of looking at the market, from a charting perspective. The issue contents have been summarized and categorized at the link provided above. The breadth and scope of the topics covered is impressive. And each has commentary regarding how it can be used in trading. Sometimes, topics are taken together so one can get a feel out multiple topics come together to support each other. Continue reading "Trading Site of the Day -- Ensign Sofware: A..." »
Trading Site of the Day -- NYSE Scalper's Tale: Trader's Diary
This is a scalping trader who lays it out all out for you. He does daily and monthly summaries of how well he does in the markets: how many trades he does, how profitable they are, and goes into a tiny bit of background regarding the rationale behind each trade. Continue reading "Trading Site of the Day -- NYSE Scalper's Tale:..." »
Friday, January 26. 2007
Blosxom ClickTrack
Today I've installed Nelson's Clicktrack for Blosxom. It scans stories for urls and then turns them into url redirects so that they show up in the web server's access log. As such, one can see what links people are clicking to go offsite.
Trading Site of the Day -- BabyPips: Beginner's Guide To Forex Trading
BabyPips is a site that takes a child-like view on the world of Forex. Perhaps that phrase could be misconstrued as a negative when in fact I meant it as a positive. It uses bold colors and clever graphics to hightlight the informative text. Continue reading "Trading Site of the Day -- BabyPips:..." »
PlainBlack WebGUI Usage Notes
In two prior entries, I went through the procedure for installing the Fedora Core 4 Linux Distribution, followed by a procedure to install WebGUI on top. Continue reading "PlainBlack WebGUI Usage Notes" »
Installing PlainBlack WebGUI 6.8.8
The PlainBlack WebGUI documentation server install requires the use of the Fedora Core 4 base build. If you are using VMWare, be sure to Snap Shot the base build so you can roll back the installation should the need arise.
Continue reading "Installing PlainBlack WebGUI 6.8.8" »Blosxom Page BreadCrumbs
Today I added Rael Dornfest's BreadCrumb Blosxom Plugin. Works like a charm.
Blosxom Page_Titler
Today I added Evil Genius Chronicles' Page Tilter 0.2 to my site. There was one syntactical problem in the file: on line 18, 'my' needed to be added to the beginning of the variable declaration. Now it works like a charm.
Pocket Cable Test Ends
Here is the site that provides the SuperLooper line of pocket products. They have the pocket loopback/crossover/rollover adaptors for Ethernet/T1/Gigabit/ISDN cables and jacks. The Rollover is particularily handy and compact when used with a regular Ethernet cable, instead of having to carry a separate Cisco console cable. |
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Thursday, January 25. 2007
Quick and Simple MultiCast
I worked with a customer who has a network with a server segment, a workstation segment, and a segment used for mass upgrades using Symantec's Ghost in MultiCast mode.
If multicasting is not turned on in a network, multicast packets will simply flood the whole network because the switches and routers have not been told how to deal with the packets, and they are forwarded by default. Continue reading "Quick and Simple MultiCast" »
Trading Site of the Day -- WilyTrader: The Blood and Guts of Freedom is the Trading Blog of an independent trader who's been doing it for just over a year. Basically, it is a daily diary of trades and the thought processes he went through for each. Continue reading "Trading Site of the Day -- WilyTrader: The..." »
Wednesday, January 24. 2007
Fedora Core 4 Base Build
I needed to install a base build of Fedora Core in order to install WebGUI. Here is the base build that I used (in VMWare). The WebGIU installation instructions will be in the next article. This installation makes use of the Logical Volume Manager (LVM) tools. These tools make it easier to expand partitions and to take snapshots. Continue reading "Fedora Core 4 Base Build" »
Installing NTOP: Network Traffic Probe Showing Network Usage
NTOP is a very good tool for monitoring the various traffic flows that make up an overall packet stream. It functions in two modes, simultaneously if you'd like: netflow mode, and sniffing mode. Continue reading "Installing NTOP: Network Traffic Probe Showing..." »